I first saw the Eagle Patrol C-101s in the Alpujarras a few years back on their way to the Motril Air Show. My house is about 500 ft above the valley and it looked, from my balcony, like they were on a level with me as they went past. I thought it would be nice to have one to fly around the local area for myself. Way back in time (well, about 5 years ago) there used to be a C-101 for X-Plane. Only the folder "CASA_C-101_763" seems to be still available. It was made by " daveddm " (Davide De Marchi) as part of the " TRAINERS_Pack_763 " and last updated in June 2012. By opening this in sucessive Planemaker versions (8, 9, 10 and 11) and simply re-saving it, you can get get it to run on XP11. Sort of. This version is only licensed for " personal use " and it doesn't look like this is going any further in the near future. So I am looking at making myself a new version. The model in the FlightGear version seems like a good sta...