CASA C-101 Aviojet for X-Plane

I first saw the Eagle Patrol C-101s in the Alpujarras a few years back on their way to the Motril Air Show.  My house is about 500 ft above the valley and it looked, from my balcony, like they were on a level with me as they went past. I thought it would be nice to have one to fly around the local area for myself.

Way back in time (well, about 5 years ago) there used to be a C-101 for X-Plane.  Only the folder "CASA_C-101_763" seems to be still available.  It was made by "daveddm" (Davide De Marchi) as part of the "TRAINERS_Pack_763" and last updated in June 2012.

By opening this in sucessive Planemaker versions (8, 9, 10 and 11) and simply re-saving it, you can get get it to run on XP11.  Sort of.

This version is only licensed for "personal use" and it doesn't look like this is going any further in the near future.

So I am looking at making myself a new version. The model in the FlightGear version seems like a good starting point, especially as it is GPL.  At the moment, the download link isn't working so it's as well I grabbed it while I could some years back. There is still a copy available from

Development of this one seems to have fizzled out in mid 2013.

And here is my new CASA C-101 Aviojet's first test flight in X-Plane. Looking good so far - and it flies quite well. But still a long way to go with this project.

There was also this very long-running thread on that gradually fizzled out, leaving only
this version


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