
Showing posts from March, 2021

Billboard Objects, again

A billboard object is something that always points towards the viewer.  These are common in FlightGear but have no apparent equivalent in X-Plane. Here is my way of getting them to work.  There are two separate objects here - one for internal and one for external views (each called "mainScreen"). For internal, you need to allow for the viewpoint plus the heading of the aircraft. Externally, the aircraft heading does not matter. The hide animations switch between the two versions. This is the hierarchy in the AC3D source for the model. Anything hidden/locked does not get exported to the X-Plane .obj format model file. Here is another version to show the seaparate animations. The left-hand palm tree is set for permanent view with the EXTernal animations. ( only sim/graphics/view/pilots_head_psi ) The right-hand palm tree is set for permanent view with the INTernal animations. ( sim/graphics/view/pilots_head_psi plus sim/flightmodel/position/mag_psi ) The central one switches au...